Useful commands in vi editor:
Shift+G - To go to the last line of a file in vi1+Shift+G - To go to the first line of a file in vi
Command to start listener in unix platform:
connect to listener by entering lsnrctllsnrctl start (will start the listener)
lsnrctl status (will show the status of the listener whether it is started or not)
lsnrctl stop (will stop the listener that is already running)
Command to know if the OS is 32 bit or 64bit in linux and solaris:
In Solaris : isainfo -bIn Linux : uname -p
Command to shutdown oc4j in linux:
command to shutdown oc4j in linux running on port 23791path of oc4j installation -shutdown -port portnumber -password oc4jadminpassword
(eg: /home/OracleBI/setup/oc4j -shutdown -port 23791 -password oc4j123)
Command to find a file that contains a particular string:
grep -ri 'string'
Command to find files containing a particular string:
find . -name * | xargs grep -iH "string"